May 2024
The publication on the synchronisation between hexmeter recitation and heart rate is about 20 years old (see Cysarz D et al. Am J Physiol - Heart Circ Physiol 2004 287(2): H579-H587), but still attracts sporadic interest. For the BBC London podcast series ‘Just one Thing’, speech therapist, intiator and co-author of the study, Dietrich von Bonin from Bern (Switzerland), was interviewed about the positive effects of reading poetry aloud.
Listen to the podcast episode ‘Read a poem’ of ‘Just one thing’ on the BBC website.
Enjoy listening - read your favourite poetry aloud and benefit from the positive health effects.
February 2024
Research Topic
The journal Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience (IF: 3.5) is open for submissions to the research topic Mind-body medicine and its impacts on psychological networks, quality of life, and health - Volume II (topic editors: Steffen Schulz, Frauke Musial, Dirk Cysarz and Georg Seifert). Submit your manuscript by 31st July 2024.
- Integrated Curriculum for Anthroposophic Medicine
- Institute of Integrative Medicine
University of Witten/Herdecke
Gerhard-Kienle-Weg 4
D-58313 Herdecke