Time series analysis of heart rate variability and heart rate dynamics from 24-h ECG-recordings using the following techniques: spectral analysis, nonlinear dynamics, information theory, combinatorics and the theory of African music. Furthermore, if heartbeat (ECG) and respiration (e.g. airflow via thermistor) are recorded simultaneously the cardiorespiratory interaction may be analyzed.
The goal is to investigate the processes of coordination and self-regulation (e.g. between heartbeat and respiration) in the human organism. The methods are applied to demonstrate the effects of remedies like Cardiodoron® and Atropa belladonna on cardiorespiratory control, and also to examine intra- and inter-individual physiological coordination in therapeutic processes like theapeutic speech or music therapy.
These investigations help to understand the physiological basis of how the organism manages to stay well. Furthermore, they help to understand the 'rhythmic system' as described by the anthroposophical view of man.
The goal is to investigate the processes of coordination and self-regulation (e.g. between heartbeat and respiration) in the human organism. The methods are applied to demonstrate the effects of remedies like Cardiodoron® and Atropa belladonna on cardiorespiratory control, and also to examine intra- and inter-individual physiological coordination in therapeutic processes like theapeutic speech or music therapy.
These investigations help to understand the physiological basis of how the organism manages to stay well. Furthermore, they help to understand the 'rhythmic system' as described by the anthroposophical view of man.
- 'Effects of non-pharmacological complementary therapies (especially from Anthroposophic Medicine, e.g. eurythmy therapy) on autonomic regulation'
- 'Analysis of heart rate dynamics by means of symbolic dynamics' in cooperation with Prof. Alberto Porta (University of Milan, Italy)
- 'Heart rate dynamics in the course of pregnancy' in cooperation with Prof. Dirk Hoyer (University Hospital Jena) and Prof. Peter van Leeuwen (University of Witten/Herdecke)
- 'Detection of respiratory rate based on ECG recordings - a comparison of methods' in cooperation with Dr. Roland Zerm / Dr. Mathias Kröz (Institute of Clinical Research Havelhöhe, Berlin) and Prof. Max Moser / Matthias Frühwirth (Human Research Institute, Weiz, Austria)
- 'Heart rate dynamics in the course of childhood and adolescence' in cooperation with Prof. Georg Seifert (Pediatric oncology / haematology, Charité, Berlin)
- 'Effects of therpeutic speech on autonomic regulation' in cooperation with Dietrich von Bonin (Berne, Switzerland)
Prof. Dirk Cysarz, PhD
- Integrated Curriculum for Anthroposophic Medicine
- Institute of Integrative Medicine
University of Witten/Herdecke
Gerhard-Kienle-Weg 4
D-58313 Herdecke
- Integrated Curriculum for Anthroposophic Medicine
- Institute of Integrative Medicine
University of Witten/Herdecke
Gerhard-Kienle-Weg 4
D-58313 Herdecke